Thursday, August 12, 2010

Earnings Update

Hello everyone, I wanted to update my earnings and to show you how things are going for me. They are going quite well this month with me making hubs for back to school. I am making sales with Amazon and making money with Google Adsense. I hope to continue my hopes of making passive income from home and well everything is going well for now. I still need to continue writing articles at Hubpages though and making good quality articles to reach my August goals for this month..  So far I have published 14 articles this month and I am working on at least 10 articles for The Hub Mob Challenge for Back To School. I hope that goes well, I will get to writing tonight and see can I write at least 5 articles and then tomorrow night another 5 articles.. I believe I can do it. Well, here are my earnings so far with Adsense and Amazon:

Those earnings are good right now and hope to make the payout for September...

Those are my earnings for Amazon.. What a month I having with them and I hope to increase my earnings by making more sales hubs on higher items.. I will work on those towards the end of the month.. Well that it is all I have for right now and if you haven't signed up with Hubpages, you need to do so.. You may be missing out on some earnings..


  1. That's great! Looks like you're doing really well. Good luck on reaching the payout!

  2. Very impressive. Obviously, I need to do more work.

  3. Thanks Ruth and Kidgas. I hope I reach the payout Ruth. Kidgas, I will say take it one day at a time and keep having goals..

  4. Hello Jennifer,

    I make 5 figures/month in adsense. I actually found this post through DP. I see you are writing content for hubpages for your adsense - why not just start your own sites instead of relying soley on hubpages? What happens if one day hubpages removes these pages?

    I understand you are using for their authority - however with a little more patience and a little more hardwork you can build your own niche sites and earn WAY more than you could ever earn with hubpages.

  5. Hello Loren, that is great you make 5 figures in Adsense. That is what I want to make myself and I have thought about what you said some weeks back and I decided I am going to start making my own websites.. Thanks for commenting..
