Hello everyone another month again of earning updates. Last month was great for me and I am glad I achieved most of goals for the month of August. I made 26 hubs through Hubpages, increased my traffic to Amazon which converted to sales, increased my backlinks, made more friends, reached 10,000 views with Hubpages, and used the IM Automator a few times. So in all I followed through with all of my goals and it feels so good to know I reached my goals for last month. I also bought 5 websites last month as well, which is good for me so I know I focus more on building a good passive income. I can focus more on SEO and backlinking and start to bring in some good money. My primary website is still in the same topic but it is called the best passive income and I think it will be a good long term success for me. Well let's get to some numbers about last month. Here's a breakdown of last month's income:
I made $42.50 with Google Adsense
Increase of $31.05 from July
I made $42.45 from Amazon
Increase of $39.12 from July
This was an awesome month to date with Adsense and Amazon because my hubs took the cake and made money with both programs. I had a few refunds with Amazon, but that is okay but I am glad to have received some sales at all. I guess all that research came through after all. Last month, I started to do some research and find out which keywords pay off the best and it worked. I still don't have the backlinking packed down yet but I guess the search engines helped me out this month. I hope it works well with my new websites. I didn't make payout with Adsense but I know I will this month and I will get ready for my payment with Amazon in October which I know will be worth waiting for. I hope since there is a month left with Amazon before payout that I can make at least $100 or $200 more. I am an affiliate with Clickbank as well and even though I had my first sale with Clickbank, that fell through within a few days and there was a refund. It's ok because I know those kinds of things happen when it comes to affiliate marketing. You are going to have refunds every once in a while and make sales unexpectedly, lol.. I guess this is just something I have to get use to. Well that is all for now, look out for the update of my passive income goals for September.
Learn strategies on earning a passive income online and ways to bring home passive income each month through writing articles.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Thursday, August 26, 2010
New Websites, New Beginnings
Hello Everyone, if you have been following I brought up the opportunity to make a few websites this month and guess what I finally purchased 5 websites. Hooray for me, not!! I thought it was going to be a little bit easy for me and found out that it is not. I chose Hostgator as my hosting company and Godaddy to purchase my domain names. I chose to name my primary website The Best Passive Income. I installed Wordpress on it and boy is it hard with the widgets, posts, and just adding anything to it is hard for me. I know I will have to get use it and it is good to have my own website and that way I can build it and add whatever I want to it and hopefully make more money.. I will stay post here occasionally on updates from my progress at Hubpages, affiliate programs, and my websites. That way I will keep everyone posted with my progress. I would say something about the other websites but they are on hold right now until I can get the my primary website up and running. I hope everything turns out well.. Thank you and if anyone wants to leave tips on Wordpress
, I would definitely appreciate it. Thanks for reading.
Saturday, August 21, 2010
My Journey So Far To Make Passive Income
Hello everyone, I wanted to share my thoughts on my journey to make passive income and explain what I need to do to achieve it. Since April, I have been writing on Hubpages and I have made 85 hubs so far. Most of them are hubs about making money online and some are on various topics. I have crossed the 10,000 view mark and that was accomplished a few days ago of which I am proud of. I am glad that I am still after just only making cents and a few dollars here and there, that I am still continuing on my journey to make passive income. Most people would have just probably quit a long time ago, but I am glad I am still trying to prove that it is possible and achievable as long as you are determined and to stay consistent. I have also learned to make passive income, you have to have multiple ways to achieve this because banking on one program will only bring you a small amount and with multiple ways you can bring in more income. That is why I have made it my duty to try to make money from Amazon, Adsense, TheKeywordAcademy, and Clickbank. These programs are capable of bringing in passive income each month without doing so much work if I stay consistent in making enough content now. That is what passive income is about. It is about making sure you complete your goals to make money in the future. I have made a lot of progress from when I first started and I learned to take my time instead of rushing content to the web, because I want to be able to submit good content and to make money from it in the future. So far I have made earnings from Amazon, Clickbank, and Adsense. Take a look:
$58.81 So Far
$57.07 So Far
$41.03 So Far
Keyword Academy:
$0.35 So Far( I need to do better to promote this)
So far this month, I have made $157. 26.. Not bad with me just starting out and all. I know in time it will increase because I will have more knowledge, my own websites, and more content across the web to make more money.. I just have to give it time. I am proud of what I have done and the knowledge I have gained in over the past few weeks. There are some people that I would like to give thanks to and to give them a bit of spotlight.. LOL.. I have learned so much info and tips to give my blog and content more exposure. Here they are:
Michelle from My Passive Income Online Blog
Pat from The Smart Passive Income Blog
Liz from Passive Income Online
Chris from Make Money On the Internet
Wanda and Paula from Affiliate Blog Online
The Digital Point Forum
Ryankett from Hubpages
Blake Flannery from Hubpages
Paul Edmondson from Hubpages (CEO Of Hubpages)
Relache from Hubpages
Patty English from Hubpages
Rebecca E from Hubpages
They have taught me so much from linking, backlinking, titles, keywords, affiliate programs, content, and blogging.. I included the Digital Point Forum because there are some helpful people in the forum they will help you with any questions and there is so much knowledge to gain from that forum.. I use the forum each and every day. I have so much to learn still especially when I make my websites and I have some good websites coming up in the next few months, so stay tuned for that. There is much more to come about my journey to make passive income, so stay tuned and I will leave you with this tip. Keep researching and implementing ways to make an income each month and I will say from this blog it is best to have your own website with your own hosting, because I feel I could do much better with my own website.
$58.81 So Far
$57.07 So Far
$41.03 So Far
Keyword Academy:
$0.35 So Far( I need to do better to promote this)
So far this month, I have made $157. 26.. Not bad with me just starting out and all. I know in time it will increase because I will have more knowledge, my own websites, and more content across the web to make more money.. I just have to give it time. I am proud of what I have done and the knowledge I have gained in over the past few weeks. There are some people that I would like to give thanks to and to give them a bit of spotlight.. LOL.. I have learned so much info and tips to give my blog and content more exposure. Here they are:
Michelle from My Passive Income Online Blog
Pat from The Smart Passive Income Blog
Liz from Passive Income Online
Chris from Make Money On the Internet
Wanda and Paula from Affiliate Blog Online
The Digital Point Forum
Ryankett from Hubpages
Blake Flannery from Hubpages
Paul Edmondson from Hubpages (CEO Of Hubpages)
Relache from Hubpages
Patty English from Hubpages
Rebecca E from Hubpages
They have taught me so much from linking, backlinking, titles, keywords, affiliate programs, content, and blogging.. I included the Digital Point Forum because there are some helpful people in the forum they will help you with any questions and there is so much knowledge to gain from that forum.. I use the forum each and every day. I have so much to learn still especially when I make my websites and I have some good websites coming up in the next few months, so stay tuned for that. There is much more to come about my journey to make passive income, so stay tuned and I will leave you with this tip. Keep researching and implementing ways to make an income each month and I will say from this blog it is best to have your own website with your own hosting, because I feel I could do much better with my own website.
Monday, August 16, 2010
The Rich 16 Year Old New Millionaire System-Jen's Review
Hello everyone, I had to make a post about The Rich 16 Year Old and The New Millionaire System because it has been mentioned in all kind of forums and articles and it is the new wave of the internet right now..Most people have reviewed this product already describing what the product can do for you and how you can make money with Clickbank. My take on the website is that it has information that provides an opportunity to the customer. It is owned by Carol Nguyen and she provides proof of the money she made and a video showing her logging into her account and showing what she made in 30 days. Some of the information on the website in my opinion is flashy but that is what it suppose to be because the name of the website is talking about her becoming rich.
On her website, she explains that you can become "fully arm to the brim with the ultimate weapon to affiliate marketing riches". This system must be something because it is becoming the best affiliate program around with sales booming and a pitch page to convince you that it works. She also says that it is "the gold rush of the new generation". From those kind of figures, yeah I would say it is as well. If you take a look and browse the internet you will say it is a struggle to make money with affiliate programs. There are so many people struggling to make one buck from Clickbank and this system maybe the answer to all of the questions asked about "how to make money with Clickbank". Having your own internet business can free you from time and the ability to make your own money. Most people get frustrated and discontinue their efforts to make money online, but I can honestly say I am not. I am making an effort and made my first sale with Clickbank a few days ago. I will say it takes a bit of work and even though Carol Nguyen is a millionaire, I will say it depends on work and effort you put into it. Give it your best and this is my review of The-Rich-16-Year-Old-New-Millionaire-System.
Disclosure: This review is based on my own opinion and if you choose to purchase from this post, I will make a commission from it. Thank You..
On her website, she explains that you can become "fully arm to the brim with the ultimate weapon to affiliate marketing riches". This system must be something because it is becoming the best affiliate program around with sales booming and a pitch page to convince you that it works. She also says that it is "the gold rush of the new generation". From those kind of figures, yeah I would say it is as well. If you take a look and browse the internet you will say it is a struggle to make money with affiliate programs. There are so many people struggling to make one buck from Clickbank and this system maybe the answer to all of the questions asked about "how to make money with Clickbank". Having your own internet business can free you from time and the ability to make your own money. Most people get frustrated and discontinue their efforts to make money online, but I can honestly say I am not. I am making an effort and made my first sale with Clickbank a few days ago. I will say it takes a bit of work and even though Carol Nguyen is a millionaire, I will say it depends on work and effort you put into it. Give it your best and this is my review of The-Rich-16-Year-Old-New-Millionaire-System.
Disclosure: This review is based on my own opinion and if you choose to purchase from this post, I will make a commission from it. Thank You..
Friday, August 13, 2010
My First Sale With Clickbank
Hello everyone, I wanted to let everyone know that I have been trying to implement another way of making passive income at home which is Clickbank. I have tried to make money in the past with Clickbank but I didn't continue with it because I didn't have the money to keep promoting it. I really didn't know that much about Clickbank and now I do since I am knowing more about IM(Internet Marketing). I made my first sale yesterday actually. I didn't know about it because I rarely check Clickbank because every time I log in all I see is $0.00, so this time I checked it. I was astonished at the fact that I sold something. I hope I start to make more commissions with Clickbank and I know it will be somewhat hard because there is so much competition on the internet right now. Long as I keep striving and keep working hard, I know I will start to make more money with Clickbank. Thanks for reading.. Here's the pic..
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Earnings Update
Hello everyone, I wanted to update my earnings and to show you how things are going for me. They are going quite well this month with me making hubs for back to school. I am making sales with Amazon and making money with Google Adsense. I hope to continue my hopes of making passive income from home and well everything is going well for now. I still need to continue writing articles at Hubpages though and making good quality articles to reach my August goals for this month.. So far I have published 14 articles this month and I am working on at least 10 articles for The Hub Mob Challenge for Back To School. I hope that goes well, I will get to writing tonight and see can I write at least 5 articles and then tomorrow night another 5 articles.. I believe I can do it. Well, here are my earnings so far with Adsense and Amazon:
Those earnings are good right now and hope to make the payout for September...
Those are my earnings for Amazon.. What a month I having with them and I hope to increase my earnings by making more sales hubs on higher items.. I will work on those towards the end of the month.. Well that it is all I have for right now and if you haven't signed up with Hubpages, you need to do so.. You may be missing out on some earnings..
Those are my earnings for Amazon.. What a month I having with them and I hope to increase my earnings by making more sales hubs on higher items.. I will work on those towards the end of the month.. Well that it is all I have for right now and if you haven't signed up with Hubpages, you need to do so.. You may be missing out on some earnings..
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Writing For A Living
Hello fellow readers, I wanted to make this blog post to encourage to you that you can increase your income by writing for a living if you stay consistent. I have been reading and writing for a few months and now I am understanding how to write better articles and how to get traffic to them. I made up my mind months ago that I want to make a living online by writing and it is working for me. I will say and this is from what I learned that you have to be patient and consistent to make this work. If not, you will be like the millions that have failed to make money on the internet. If so, then find ways to increase your income by writing like blogging, writing articles, and affiliate marketing. Consistently building your income is the best way to go if you want to succeed and working hard is a requirement. It will not take just a few articles or a few posts to make it online. It will take hundreds of articles and dozens of posts to get exposure across the search engines. i will say getting backlinks is not enough or even social bookmarking because content is the most important key to getting recognized. Using various methods to make good content can increase your chances to receiving passive income. There are a few ways to increase your chances by using these methods:
- Write at least 5-7 articles weekly at Hubpages but I will have to say the articles will need to be engaging so that readers can keep coming back to your articles.
- Try using The Keyword Academy by signing up for a free trial for $1. The Keyword Academy teaches you how to choose your keywords and finding the best keywords that will bring you more profits. There is also a system of where you can post articles on high ranking websites to create backlinks. Creating backlinks on high ranking websites can increase your Page Rank and make your website more valuable to the search engines. They also have a forum where people like you and me can find other people that are making money at home using The Keyword Academy that can provide tips on making money. To learn how to find and use the keywords they have provided videos, keyword tools, and step by step instructions on how to make a good website. Using TKA is a great benefit, I've used it and it increased my knowledge on keywords and content. It also increased my views at Hubpages and brought me money with Adsense and Amazon. This is a plus for me and why I suggest The Keyword Academy.
- Make a free blog with Blogger or Wordpress and post your experiences with making money online or even your failures. People love to read encouraging situations or even your failures so they know not to make that same mistake or mistakes along the way. Update your progress on a week to week basis to get more exposure.
- Visit a few websites that you have an interest in and submit a few comments on there so you can get some exposure. Making yourself known will bring some rank to your blog or website.
Recommended Products:
The Keyword Academy- Learn Keywords- Read Review Here By KaizenSecrets On Hubpages
My Online Income System- Learn How To Make Money With Clickbank- Read Review Here By AMN
The Rich 16 Year Old Millionaire System- Learn How To Make Money From A 16 Year Old- Read Review Here By IM Report Card
The Rich 16 Year Old Millionaire System- Learn How To Make Money From A 16 Year Old- Read Review Here By IM Report Card
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Passive Income Goals For August
Goals are here again and I have a confession to make, I didn't complete my passive income goals for July. It's like I completed half of my goals by completing more hubs and making only $11.45 from Google Adsense. I did make some sales with Amazon though. I am happy for that. I didn't make any sales with the Keyword Academy but that is okay. I am trying harder this month by making some hubs targeted towards keywords and making more sales with more people signing up for The Keyword Academy. You do receive a free 30-day trial for $1 and can cancel at anytime. So, all you are spending is $1 but you have so much knowledge and money to gain from it. I tried it and was satisfied with it but I canceled because I couldn't afford but I will say this is something I will be subscribing to again next month and the month thereafter. They truly teach you what you need to learn about content and keywords.
Well enough with TKA, let's get to some goaling. Let's see what I completed from July:
The goals for August will be work for me as usual but I plan to do it and stay on task this month. There are some new ones that I hope to accomplish as well and it goes as follows:
Well enough with TKA, let's get to some goaling. Let's see what I completed from July:
- Made 25 hubs with Hubpages
- Increased my views from 80 to 300 views daily( It may have been because of the back to school hubs I've been writing, but I will keep an eye on my views to see where it leaves my traffic once the back to school season is over)
- Increased my traffic to Amazon and starting to make sales
- Increased my backlinks to this blog by commenting on forums, joining high rank websites leaving my blog in the signature, commenting on websites within my niche
- Made more friends with Hubpages and blogging
- Reached 5,000 views on Hubpages
- I learned how to social bookmark within seconds using IM Automator
The goals for August will be work for me as usual but I plan to do it and stay on task this month. There are some new ones that I hope to accomplish as well and it goes as follows:
- Publish at least 50 hubs that are targeted for high performing niches and within those 50 make some sales hubs targeted for Amazon purchases.
- Make at least 10 articles targeted at The Keyword Academy to make sales
- Keep writing posts on this blog and continue to get backlinks
- Make at least $40 with Google Adsense
- Make at least $20 on Amazon
- Write some articles at Ezine Articles for backlinks
I hope to achieve my goals for August and I believe I will. I am getting better with backlinking and keywords, so this is a plus for me but I am still trying to figure ways to get traffic. That is also something I need to work towards this month, or it may increase this month with the backlinks. I just think I need to keep an eye on it and if it doesn't increase I do believe I will purchase a product online to increase it. Stay tuned for more to come.. Thanks for reading..
Jennifer Make Passive Income Writing Online
Sunday, August 1, 2010
July Earnings Report
Hello everyone, it is time to update my earnings and to let you know what happened for the month of July. Let me see I have learned some great things about keywords, titles, and getting traffic to my hubs. I have completed some research and sadly discontinued my subscription with The Keyword Academy. I had to though because I didn't have enough money to pay for the course each month but they have went down in price as it explained in this post by Tiffany from Passive Income Goals . It is now $33 a month. I have also learned about making good content to get great ads from Google Adsense. I wrote about this lesson in my article "How To Earn A Passive Income With Google Adsense". I have also learned that it will take time for this blog to grow to get visitors and to start making more revenue with Google. This blog will have to get indexed and recognized by the search engines and for my posts to get attention from good keywords. I have been trying to target at least 2 keywords within my posts and this whole blog. So far I am not in the search engines for them yet, but the more posts I write the more density this blog receives with those keywords. In the meantime, I will be writing more articles on Hubpages with targeting profitable keywords. The better the keywords, the more money I receive and the better chance I get into making a passive income. Well here are my numbers for July with Google Adsense and Hubpages:
I made a total $11.45 with Google Adsense in July
Increase of $8.97 from June
I made $3.33 from Amazon
Increase $3.33 from June(Didn't make anything last month, boohoo)
I made 25 hubs in July with Hubpages
Increase of 25 hubs from June
Total of 61 hubs
I even have a great hubscore and some great accolades(accomplishments) with Hubpages
I waited to the very end of what I did on The Keyword Academy because there was nothing to tell. I didn't make any sales from it but I am getting an increase in clicks so hopefully some sales this month. I will keep my fingers crossed. Great to have made some accomplishments. It wasn't what I wanted but at least I am making some progress with both companies. I want to continue to try to make some earnings with both and see where it takes me. I know the earnings for last month wasn't a whole lot but it was something. There are people making thousands but they started out just like I did and hey I probably made more than them in their first month. LOL..
So in all I made a total of $14.78 with both affiliate programs and on my way to trying to make a passive income. If I can do it, you can.. Continue to check out my journey on this blog about making a passive income online from home.
Check out my hubs for some info on various topics on passive income.
I'll be back for more posting
Jennifer(Author) Make Passive Income Writing Online Blog
I made a total $11.45 with Google Adsense in July
Increase of $8.97 from June
I made $3.33 from Amazon
Increase $3.33 from June(Didn't make anything last month, boohoo)
I made 25 hubs in July with Hubpages
Increase of 25 hubs from June
Total of 61 hubs
I even have a great hubscore and some great accolades(accomplishments) with Hubpages
I waited to the very end of what I did on The Keyword Academy because there was nothing to tell. I didn't make any sales from it but I am getting an increase in clicks so hopefully some sales this month. I will keep my fingers crossed. Great to have made some accomplishments. It wasn't what I wanted but at least I am making some progress with both companies. I want to continue to try to make some earnings with both and see where it takes me. I know the earnings for last month wasn't a whole lot but it was something. There are people making thousands but they started out just like I did and hey I probably made more than them in their first month. LOL..
So in all I made a total of $14.78 with both affiliate programs and on my way to trying to make a passive income. If I can do it, you can.. Continue to check out my journey on this blog about making a passive income online from home.
Check out my hubs for some info on various topics on passive income.
I'll be back for more posting
Jennifer(Author) Make Passive Income Writing Online Blog
Friday, July 30, 2010
My Traffic Update
Hello everyone, I wanted to update my traffic since I already updated Hubpages yesterday. Hubpages and Amazon have been getting quite the traffic nowadays. I have been writing more hubs and have been spending more time analyzing keywords
. Keywords is the foundation to get traffic to anything and since I know about that now, I am spending less time promoting and more time with keywords. Choosing the most profitable keywords is the best way to go to start generating some money and hopefully build passive income. So in the past 7 days, I have accumulated more than 1,000 views and more than 50 clicks to Amazon. That is a big increase from June and I have even made 3 sales from Amazon in the past 4 days which is very exciting for me. Here's a breakdown of my traffic from my best performing hubs in the past 7 days:
School Backpacks For Girls: 213 Views
How To Get Pregnant: 60 Views
How To Get Twitter Followers Fast: 50 Views
Cheap School Supplies: 45 Views
How To Get A Free Cell Phone: 45 Views
Easy Way To Make Money Online Writing Articles: 43 Views
Make Money Google Free: 33 Views
Make Extra Money Online With Affiliate Marketing: 33 Views
Make Money Online Hubbing: 32 Views
How To Make Passive Income With Google Adsense: 31 Views
Best Looking Male Celebrities 2010: 30 Views
How To Start A Blog To Promote Clickbank Products: 30 Views
Equals 645 Views
Not bad, but with school approaching my backpack hub is booming but I know once that ends it will probably decline in views but I want to make the best of it. My money making hubs I think will always get views because everyone is always searching for ways to make money. In the past 7 days I have accumulated $3.96 with Google Adsense. It is not much but it is something and it is an increase from June Report. I have already surpassed Google Adsense June Earnings by $1.48. That is a good earnings for me, thanks Google Adsense. I have been bookmarking and sending my hubs through the typical social bookmarking websites like Digg, Stumbleupon, and Redgage. It sends me some traffic some days and most of the time it don't. So, I suggest getting organic traffic to whatever you are trying to promote. Well, that it is it for my traffic update, I will update my earnings and other traffic updates on August 1.
Traffic Recommendations For The Day:
The Google Traffic Pump System
School Backpacks For Girls: 213 Views
How To Get Pregnant: 60 Views
How To Get Twitter Followers Fast: 50 Views
Cheap School Supplies: 45 Views
How To Get A Free Cell Phone: 45 Views
Easy Way To Make Money Online Writing Articles: 43 Views
Make Money Google Free: 33 Views
Make Extra Money Online With Affiliate Marketing: 33 Views
Make Money Online Hubbing: 32 Views
How To Make Passive Income With Google Adsense: 31 Views
Best Looking Male Celebrities 2010: 30 Views
How To Start A Blog To Promote Clickbank Products: 30 Views
Equals 645 Views
Not bad, but with school approaching my backpack hub is booming but I know once that ends it will probably decline in views but I want to make the best of it. My money making hubs I think will always get views because everyone is always searching for ways to make money. In the past 7 days I have accumulated $3.96 with Google Adsense. It is not much but it is something and it is an increase from June Report. I have already surpassed Google Adsense June Earnings by $1.48. That is a good earnings for me, thanks Google Adsense. I have been bookmarking and sending my hubs through the typical social bookmarking websites like Digg, Stumbleupon, and Redgage. It sends me some traffic some days and most of the time it don't. So, I suggest getting organic traffic to whatever you are trying to promote. Well, that it is it for my traffic update, I will update my earnings and other traffic updates on August 1.
Traffic Recommendations For The Day:
The Google Traffic Pump System
Thursday, July 29, 2010
My Hubpages Update
Top Resource Of The Day: Amazonian Profit Plan
Website Name: Affiliate Blog Online
Check Out The Blog Post: Blog Post
Hello everyone, I have been so busy lately trying to make more hubs on Hubpages. In all at this moment, I have 59 articles, over 5,000 views, receiving up to 200 visitors a day, and I am starting to accumulate money on Google Adsense. I have been trying to stay up to date with my passive income goals for July and I have made some progress like publishing new articles for Hubpages. I didn't purchase any new products to get more traffic and I haven't even written any posts to this blog, which is not good for me but I am still learning.
I am aiming towards the goal of making at least $30 on Google Adsense for this month though which is good for me. I am already at $27 this month. I haven't made any sales with the Keyword Academy like I was planning on doing and I had even included some links to my affiliate link in some articles but that is okay. I went ahead and canceled the subscription to The Keyword Academy because I couldn't afford it even though it is $33 now, but I know I will redo the subscription later maybe in 2 months. With all the information jam packed into that website it is worth every penny. I am trying to make some affiliate sales though because I was signed up for them for 30 days and I know information about them. With that being said, I know I can make some affiliate sales. Maybe the sales will come later on this year. I hope. I do want to make more blogs but I want them to be websites with a blog. I am looking into making a website of this blog and making more websites in the near future, so watch out for that.
Back to Hubpages, I am very happy to announce I now have over 100 followers on Hubpages and my Hubkarma is at 93. Hooray for me.. Check out my pic below of my Hubpages profile.
Website Name: Affiliate Blog Online
Check Out The Blog Post: Blog Post
Hello everyone, I have been so busy lately trying to make more hubs on Hubpages. In all at this moment, I have 59 articles, over 5,000 views, receiving up to 200 visitors a day, and I am starting to accumulate money on Google Adsense. I have been trying to stay up to date with my passive income goals for July and I have made some progress like publishing new articles for Hubpages. I didn't purchase any new products to get more traffic and I haven't even written any posts to this blog, which is not good for me but I am still learning.
I am aiming towards the goal of making at least $30 on Google Adsense for this month though which is good for me. I am already at $27 this month. I haven't made any sales with the Keyword Academy like I was planning on doing and I had even included some links to my affiliate link in some articles but that is okay. I went ahead and canceled the subscription to The Keyword Academy because I couldn't afford it even though it is $33 now, but I know I will redo the subscription later maybe in 2 months. With all the information jam packed into that website it is worth every penny. I am trying to make some affiliate sales though because I was signed up for them for 30 days and I know information about them. With that being said, I know I can make some affiliate sales. Maybe the sales will come later on this year. I hope. I do want to make more blogs but I want them to be websites with a blog. I am looking into making a website of this blog and making more websites in the near future, so watch out for that.
Back to Hubpages, I am very happy to announce I now have over 100 followers on Hubpages and my Hubkarma is at 93. Hooray for me.. Check out my pic below of my Hubpages profile.
I wanted to say that I want to start making money with Amazon because that is an extra way to make passive income, so I am jumping on the bandwagon. Look at this website that I found and Chris Guthrie is banking in huge money with Amazon. He gave me the inspiration to start trying to accumulate sales with Amazon and to aim at affiliate linking. I am starting to accumulate some traffic in Amazon now and I have made 2 sales which is also good for me. I am starting to get this Amazon thing packed down. I am focusing on more sales hubs to make money with Amazon because I feel that is the best way to accumulate money with Amazon. Here's a pic of my Amazon earnings as of right now, it is not much but it will do:
I have written 8 sales hubs targeted to making money with Amazon. It seems to be working don't you think. So, you see you can actually start making money with Hubpages because they have affiliate programs that you can earn you money each month. I do believe in order to make passive income with Hubpages, you will have to make great hubs with good topics that are searched for at least 20,000 times a month and to make a few sales hubs every now and then. The sales hubs are great for Amazon because they are basically giving the customer some information on a product and giving them the opportunity to buy it. Well my Hubpages update is complete and if you haven't signed up with Hubpages yet..What are you waiting for? Stay tuned for my posts on passive income and earning updates. Thanks for reading..
Hubpages Resources For Today:
Traffic Resources For Today:
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Google Adsense
I have learned to make money online and to make it residual that the best way is to join Google Adsense to make some real money. It is not easy and it is time consuming to make good content so that you can get traffic to your blog and to make passive income with the Google Ads.. But first we need to find out what is Google Adsense
What Is Google Adsense?
Google Adsense is a free program for web publishers to generate revenue from. If you create the right content, you make money from the ads. There are publishers making thousands each month from posting Google ads on their website or blogs. Just check out these web publishers that are making thousands with their blog or website:
Lisa- 2 Create A Website
Michelle- My Passive Online Income Blog
Tiffany- Passive Income Goals
Lis- Passive Income Online: Lis Sowerbutts
Want to generate money from Google Adsense? Sign up. Learn it. Maximize it. I can sit here and tell you everything about Google Adsense, but the thing is you have to learn on your own. You have to find your weakness and strengths in making money with Google Adsense. Find out how and you will start posting your income reports or your adsense checks from Google Adsense.
What Is Google Adsense?
Google Adsense is a free program for web publishers to generate revenue from. If you create the right content, you make money from the ads. There are publishers making thousands each month from posting Google ads on their website or blogs. Just check out these web publishers that are making thousands with their blog or website:
Lisa- 2 Create A Website
Michelle- My Passive Online Income Blog
Tiffany- Passive Income Goals
Lis- Passive Income Online: Lis Sowerbutts
Want to generate money from Google Adsense? Sign up. Learn it. Maximize it. I can sit here and tell you everything about Google Adsense, but the thing is you have to learn on your own. You have to find your weakness and strengths in making money with Google Adsense. Find out how and you will start posting your income reports or your adsense checks from Google Adsense.
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Learn To Write Articles
Okay, now that you know the foundations of writing, it is time to write articles so you can start making residual income from home. Now to begin to write articles make sure you know the importance of good article titles. Making a good title attracts your readers and bring them to reading your content. As discussed in Learn Writing Part 2 building good content within your articles is also important. The uniqueness of writing online is that you get to write on different websites and cross promote your articles to build traffic. Every writing website is different so let me explain the ones I prefer to write on.
Hubpages- I like Hubpages because they have different ways to make money online with them. The website is easy to navigate and plenty to offer if you need help or support. They have plenty of topics to choose from and you can break your article down into the broadest topic and get recognized by the search engines. Hubpages let's you edit comments and fan mail to your articles and profile. They also provide updated stats on views and comments. When writing an article, Hubpages provides capsules like Amazon, Links, E-Bay, Photos and more to personalize your hub to your liking and provides a preview before you submit your article. Hubpages also bases you on Hubscore to determine the quality of your hubs. These are the affiliating companies they are with and companies you can make money with:
Key places to visit on Hubpages are:
Hottest Hubs
Potential at Hubpages- article by Blake Flannery at Hubpages
If you just started writing, and looking for a place to post your articles then Hubpages is the perfect place to post your articles. Hubpages has a lot of potential and a good chance for your articles to come up in the search engines. Hubpages brings in so many people to their website to bring views to your articles(hubs). With writing and promotion, your potential could be at least $200 per month to start off with the right keywords and content. Get started with Hubpages today!!
There are other article sites but my favorite is Hubpages and that is why I promote the website.
Ezine Articles- great way to promote your articles and to get backlinks.
Hubpages- I like Hubpages because they have different ways to make money online with them. The website is easy to navigate and plenty to offer if you need help or support. They have plenty of topics to choose from and you can break your article down into the broadest topic and get recognized by the search engines. Hubpages let's you edit comments and fan mail to your articles and profile. They also provide updated stats on views and comments. When writing an article, Hubpages provides capsules like Amazon, Links, E-Bay, Photos and more to personalize your hub to your liking and provides a preview before you submit your article. Hubpages also bases you on Hubscore to determine the quality of your hubs. These are the affiliating companies they are with and companies you can make money with:
Key places to visit on Hubpages are:
Hottest Hubs
Potential at Hubpages- article by Blake Flannery at Hubpages
If you just started writing, and looking for a place to post your articles then Hubpages is the perfect place to post your articles. Hubpages has a lot of potential and a good chance for your articles to come up in the search engines. Hubpages brings in so many people to their website to bring views to your articles(hubs). With writing and promotion, your potential could be at least $200 per month to start off with the right keywords and content. Get started with Hubpages today!!
There are other article sites but my favorite is Hubpages and that is why I promote the website.
Ezine Articles- great way to promote your articles and to get backlinks.
Learn Writing Part 2
Okay, in a post I was discussing learning about writing. If you haven't already read Learn Writing Part 1, do so, so you can know what I am discussing in Part 2 of the series Learn Writing.
In this Part 2 series I will discuss:
Writing and Content
Write Beginning to End
Taking Your Time to Get the Best of Writing
Let's talk about writing and content and how this can increase your chance to gaining passive income writing at home. Content is very important when it comes to writing and within the content should be very good to draw your readers in. We will learn about keywords
later on but first we have to tackle the content. Your content should be engaging towards your readers and enough info to keep them coming back to your writing. This is what I have learned, I have learned that if you make content after content then more people will come to your writing and know that you are serious about writing.
They will also follow everything you write about to learn more on what you are discussing. Making good content will not only make you popular but it will also give you a better ranking from your readers. A better ranking means more recognition and authority for more of your writing to get recognized. Now, in order to do this you need to write engaging content from the beginning to the end. When you start writing make sure you are leading your readers towards the end, so that they can keep reading your content. Separating your main points in your articles and detailing them with good wording wil make your content unique.
I have also learned that instead of rushing your content to the web, write a few articles and then let them grow then write a few more. This is giving your content time enough to grow on the web and giving you time to write more quality content. Updating your content will also alert the search engines of new content and will recognize you for unique content. Take these tips with you and see where you go with writing and let me know how it turns out..
In this Part 2 series I will discuss:
Writing and Content
Write Beginning to End
Taking Your Time to Get the Best of Writing
Let's talk about writing and content and how this can increase your chance to gaining passive income writing at home. Content is very important when it comes to writing and within the content should be very good to draw your readers in. We will learn about keywords
They will also follow everything you write about to learn more on what you are discussing. Making good content will not only make you popular but it will also give you a better ranking from your readers. A better ranking means more recognition and authority for more of your writing to get recognized. Now, in order to do this you need to write engaging content from the beginning to the end. When you start writing make sure you are leading your readers towards the end, so that they can keep reading your content. Separating your main points in your articles and detailing them with good wording wil make your content unique.
I have also learned that instead of rushing your content to the web, write a few articles and then let them grow then write a few more. This is giving your content time enough to grow on the web and giving you time to write more quality content. Updating your content will also alert the search engines of new content and will recognize you for unique content. Take these tips with you and see where you go with writing and let me know how it turns out..
Monday, July 5, 2010
Passive Income Goals For The Month Of July
Hello everyone, I wanted to update my progress on writing and trying to make passive income from home. I have been writing and coming up with article titles for the past few days and I published a new article on Hubpages and it is about how to make a passive income online . It is doing pretty good on Hubpages and I am surprised it has a good hubscore already. I have so many articles in the making that it is making my head spin. I have been doing some browsing on other websites that have the same passive income goals as me. I am happy they are reaching their goals and I am going to do best to reach mine. I believe they have a better chance though because they have their own website. I just have a blog and I having been receiving that much traffic. Most of it is coming from Hubpages but I am trying to generate search engine traffic
.. It seems difficult but I know it will come together soon. I know within a few months I will have to get a website but until then it is blogging blogging blogging on here. That is ok though because I want to inspire others and make a promise to myself to keep writing and develop passive income. Here are my goals for the month of July as of right now(They may change and if so I'll update):
Publish at least 45-50 articles on Hubpages
Continue my crash course at The Keyword Academy
Purchase some products to get more traffic
Write at least 30 posts on this blog with great backlinks
Make at least $20-$30 on Google Adsense
Make at least $10 on Amazon
Get at least 2-3 affiliate sales with The Keyword Academy
Make 3 more blogs revolved around the passive income niche
I know it will be hard work but I am going to stay dedicated to my goals for passive income and hopefully the money will start coming in. Stay tuned for my updates on writing for passive income.
Publish at least 45-50 articles on Hubpages
Continue my crash course at The Keyword Academy
Purchase some products to get more traffic
Write at least 30 posts on this blog with great backlinks
Make at least $20-$30 on Google Adsense
Make at least $10 on Amazon
Get at least 2-3 affiliate sales with The Keyword Academy
Make 3 more blogs revolved around the passive income niche
I know it will be hard work but I am going to stay dedicated to my goals for passive income and hopefully the money will start coming in. Stay tuned for my updates on writing for passive income.
June Earnings Report
Hello everyone, I wanted to update everyone on my June report and what I accomplished for that month. It is not much but hey any money is some progress and I am working to build more articles and focus more on keywords to get traffic to my articles and this blog. I am trying to make progress since I joined The Keyword Academy. I am learning about keywords and getting traffic to my articles and the good thing is I AM, but I haven't accumulated that much of earnings but that's okay you have to start somewhere. I am kind of embarrassed of the earnings I am going to display but hey I want to inspire myself and others to achieve their goals to make passive income. Well, here it is everyone with pictures and an update of Hubpages views to keep up with it.
Google Adsense: $2.48 (Click on picture to enlarge)
Amazon- 17 clicks, 0 sales
Google Adsense: $2.48 (Click on picture to enlarge)
Amazon- 17 clicks, 0 sales
The Keyword Academy- 6 clicks, 0 sales
Hubpages- 1,495 views (37 hubs)
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Learn Writing Part 1
In order to learn about writing, you have to know about the proper usage of words. If you do not know how to spell or how to complete a sentence then writing is not for you at the present time. The reason why I say this is because if you are going to publish an article or a post, people would be unable to read what you have to say and get confused and this will not make you money or even noticed. I am not saying you will never be able to write because you can always learn. Learning about writing and the technique of writing is attainable and worth it. I am not saying you have to have the best writing in the world, but having some knowledge on how to place your words is a plus. Writing is somewhat of an art form and achieving the best of knowledge about writing can place you at a level to make a career out of it. There are different forms of writing like:
Persuasive Writing
Descriptive Writing
Creative Writing
The form of writing that I am discussing is creative writing
. Creative writing is where you write based on what you know about certain topics. Creative writing is the best and most popular form of writing. There are so many advantages of creative writing and I will tell you why.
With creative writing you can write about a product or service and direct people to the product or service and earn a commission from it. You can also write articles based on a certain topic and make money from it. Creative writing is very simple and you can generate passive income from it if you know how to implement it. Some people write because they're bored, angry, and also because they have a passion for it or just want to make money from home
. Whatever your reason for writing is take advantage of it because you are sitting on money. Some people ask, "can you really make a career with writing"? Yes you can because if you are writing everyday and making money from it that is labeled as a career and as making a passive income. Having a career in writing
will take you to the next level and with that you will not have to work another day in your life!!
Descriptive Writing
Creative Writing
The form of writing that I am discussing is creative writing
With creative writing you can write about a product or service and direct people to the product or service and earn a commission from it. You can also write articles based on a certain topic and make money from it. Creative writing is very simple and you can generate passive income from it if you know how to implement it. Some people write because they're bored, angry, and also because they have a passion for it or just want to make money from home
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Learning About Passive Income
What is your outlook on passive income? Is passive income something you really want to achieve or you just want to make fast money
? Whatever your outlook is make sure your outlook revolve around the goals you want to set towards making passive income from home. Here's my outlook towards passive income:
Your outlook on passive income should reflect of what you want to achieve, because that outlook is mainly goals you are building towards. Now, in order for my outlook or goals to become a fact, I would need to work towards making that income. There are many ways to make passive income. As I discussed in a previous post about passive income, you have to build in order to make it passive.
I also brought up some websites in my previous post to explore in order to make passive income from writing. Those websites offer many features and is a tool to help you in achieving your goals. Some websites pay you based on content and others pay you based on each article you write. In order to make it passive, go for the websites that pay you based on content because you can get paid based on one article instead of getting paid by quantity. Remember quality is better than quantity. Many of you may ask why quality and not quantity. Even though quantity is good, quality is better because many people that search the web look for the best articles and not just an article. Let's make an example:
Let's say Jill writes 25 articles: Now these are articles that she rushed into and was trying to make a quick buck on. All of her articles have under 500 words, so she is not going to get the best ads to display on her articles.
Let's say Melanie writes 10 articles: Now these are articles that she took her time with and is looking for passive income to make on her articles. All of her articles have at least 700 words, so she is getting the best of ads to display on her articles.
Now it is 6 months later and Jill only made $150 based on $1 a day earnings. It took her a month for her articles to get indexed and ranked.
Melanie made $1,500 based on $10 a day earnings. It also took a month for her articles to get indexed and ranked.
These are the reasons why Melanie made more money than Jill:
Now, if Jill would have used these tips to perform better towards her articles, she probably would have had more money since she wrote more articles. Since she didn't use these tips her earnings will continue to increase but very slowly. Believe it or not but a lot of people make these mistakes even me. You have to start somewhere but learning is the key. So, the best way to make passive income is to build better content and let it grow.
- Build more articles to maximize my chance and to gain more monthly revenue.
- Build this blog by writing engaging posts that people want to read.
- Build towards an income goal of at least $2,000 monthly.
- Build websites to publish more content and to increase my income each year.
- Build more income, so I will never have to work again.
Your outlook on passive income should reflect of what you want to achieve, because that outlook is mainly goals you are building towards. Now, in order for my outlook or goals to become a fact, I would need to work towards making that income. There are many ways to make passive income. As I discussed in a previous post about passive income, you have to build in order to make it passive.
I also brought up some websites in my previous post to explore in order to make passive income from writing. Those websites offer many features and is a tool to help you in achieving your goals. Some websites pay you based on content and others pay you based on each article you write. In order to make it passive, go for the websites that pay you based on content because you can get paid based on one article instead of getting paid by quantity. Remember quality is better than quantity. Many of you may ask why quality and not quantity. Even though quantity is good, quality is better because many people that search the web look for the best articles and not just an article. Let's make an example:
Let's say Jill writes 25 articles: Now these are articles that she rushed into and was trying to make a quick buck on. All of her articles have under 500 words, so she is not going to get the best ads to display on her articles.
Let's say Melanie writes 10 articles: Now these are articles that she took her time with and is looking for passive income to make on her articles. All of her articles have at least 700 words, so she is getting the best of ads to display on her articles.
Now it is 6 months later and Jill only made $150 based on $1 a day earnings. It took her a month for her articles to get indexed and ranked.
Melanie made $1,500 based on $10 a day earnings. It also took a month for her articles to get indexed and ranked.
These are the reasons why Melanie made more money than Jill:
- More content
- Better keywords
- Articles are maximized to its full potential
- Better article titles
Now, if Jill would have used these tips to perform better towards her articles, she probably would have had more money since she wrote more articles. Since she didn't use these tips her earnings will continue to increase but very slowly. Believe it or not but a lot of people make these mistakes even me. You have to start somewhere but learning is the key. So, the best way to make passive income is to build better content and let it grow.
Friday, July 2, 2010
Passive Income
What is passive income? Passive income is where you make money for work that is done once and you accumulate at each month afterwards passively. Passive income is something that you would have to work at if you want to accumulate money each month. There are plenty of ways to make passive income but achieving success with these ways are difficult to achieve. Passive income
is like building towards something and in the future it will grow extensively. Most people have seen the rough ends of trying to make passive income at home and have learned from it. Even though, you will be at a rough edge at first, your income will continue to increase as long as you stay consistent. Don't try to rush into it or even make goals you know you won't be able to achieve. Rushing into something like this will only give you short earnings and a headache. Going into it with a steady flow will bring you success.
When I think of passive income, I think of many different approaches I can make towards achieving my goals. I know I can either write, blog, or use affiliate marketing to achieve this goal, but I had to find out what I am good at. As of right now, I am good at writing and I am building my blocks towards my future income. There are many people making money online but you have to find your own way to financial happiness. You may be good at writing, blogging or affiliate marketing
but find out what fits you best because you don't want to be stuck or wasting your time on something that you are not really interested in right?
Depending on what you're doing you can start off big or small, in other words, like writing dozens of articles or just writing a few to start. It depends on where you want your writing to go in the future. I am starting off writing dozens of articles because I want my income to increase over time. Another approach is investing towards passive income. Oh yes, maybe not now but you do have to invest some money to make money and it doesn't matter what you do. You can either make an investment now or later. No matter what your decision is, it relies on two things time and money. Now you can make money either way it goes but you can incrase your chance to make passive income at home with an investment.
See, I've learned this while growing up that "it takes money to make money". To be honest, most people right now in these days in age want "free ways to make money" or "the best free ways to make passive income". Most people do not have the kind of money to put up right now with the economy being screwed up and all. Some people want to make a fast few hundred dollars and there are others that want to make thousands. There are people that want to work from home part-time and there are others that want to make a career working from home. Find your way to make passive income online. Well, keep up with this blog about my journey on making passive income writing . I will leave you with a few sites to explore on writing and the sites that can offer passive income to you. Stay tuned on my writing endeavors and ways I will implement passive income and writing.
Ezine Articles
Beyond Paycheck to Paycheck: A Conversation About Income, Wealth, and the Steps in Between (Total Candor)
Secrets To Creating Passive Income and becoming financially free - even in a slow economy
Making $40,000 Per Month In Extra Income: A Step-By-Step Guide In Building Wealth Through Various Income Streams
When I think of passive income, I think of many different approaches I can make towards achieving my goals. I know I can either write, blog, or use affiliate marketing to achieve this goal, but I had to find out what I am good at. As of right now, I am good at writing and I am building my blocks towards my future income. There are many people making money online but you have to find your own way to financial happiness. You may be good at writing, blogging or affiliate marketing
Depending on what you're doing you can start off big or small, in other words, like writing dozens of articles or just writing a few to start. It depends on where you want your writing to go in the future. I am starting off writing dozens of articles because I want my income to increase over time. Another approach is investing towards passive income. Oh yes, maybe not now but you do have to invest some money to make money and it doesn't matter what you do. You can either make an investment now or later. No matter what your decision is, it relies on two things time and money. Now you can make money either way it goes but you can incrase your chance to make passive income at home with an investment.
See, I've learned this while growing up that "it takes money to make money". To be honest, most people right now in these days in age want "free ways to make money" or "the best free ways to make passive income". Most people do not have the kind of money to put up right now with the economy being screwed up and all. Some people want to make a fast few hundred dollars and there are others that want to make thousands. There are people that want to work from home part-time and there are others that want to make a career working from home. Find your way to make passive income online. Well, keep up with this blog about my journey on making passive income writing . I will leave you with a few sites to explore on writing and the sites that can offer passive income to you. Stay tuned on my writing endeavors and ways I will implement passive income and writing.
Ezine Articles
Beyond Paycheck to Paycheck: A Conversation About Income, Wealth, and the Steps in Between (Total Candor)
Secrets To Creating Passive Income and becoming financially free - even in a slow economy
Making $40,000 Per Month In Extra Income: A Step-By-Step Guide In Building Wealth Through Various Income Streams
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Learning About Keywords Day 12 | Passive Income & Writing
Hello Everyone, I wanted to update my experiment and to let everyone know that the experiment isn't doing so good. I am not an expert in keywords, so it is taking me longer to make passive income at home because of that. I haven't earned anything from Google Adsense , The Keyword Academy , or Amazon . All of that is going to change though. I joined the Keyword Academy for $1 on a 30-day trial period to learn how to effectively choose the right keywords and to make money with Google Adsense and Amazon. So stay tuned on how I will start getting traffic to Hubpages and making with Google Adsense. Give the Keyword Academy and see how you will like it. I will update in the next couple of days with the beginning of a new day with keywords.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Writing Articles On Passive Income Day 3 | Passive Income & Writing
Hello Everyone, this is my third day of writing articles on Hubpages related to passive income. The article I wrote is called How To Make Passive Income Writing Articles: Way To Make Money and I think it will go somewhere. I tried my best to use good keywords and enough content to get traffic to my article. I think the next thing I will work on is getting traffic to my hubs or articles, so I make monthly passive income. It will take some time but I am ready for it and oh let me remind you of earnings from the programs I am in like Hubpages and Google Adsense. I am going to be updating this at every chance I get and stay tuned.
Google Adsense- $0 (I can' t discuss the clicks, but I can discuss the earnings with Google Adsense)
The Keyword Academy- $0, 6 clicks
I didn't make any money but the more I write for Hubpages the more money I make but I will tune in with you guys later and thanks for checking out my blog.
P.S. If you came to my blog searching for answers on "how to make passive income at home", I hope you found it. and add me as a friend if you are into social media sites. I hope you take the time and figure out how you can make passive income at home and make it your dedication everyday to increase your monthly income.
Make Your Passive Income By Writing Today
Google Adsense- $0 (I can' t discuss the clicks, but I can discuss the earnings with Google Adsense)
The Keyword Academy- $0, 6 clicks
I didn't make any money but the more I write for Hubpages the more money I make but I will tune in with you guys later and thanks for checking out my blog.
P.S. If you came to my blog searching for answers on "how to make passive income at home", I hope you found it. and add me as a friend if you are into social media sites. I hope you take the time and figure out how you can make passive income at home and make it your dedication everyday to increase your monthly income.
Make Your Passive Income By Writing Today
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Writing Articles On Passive Income Day 1 | Passive Income & Writing
Okay, I decided to challenge myself and start an experiment on writing articles, affiliate marketing, and implement it with blogging as well. I wrote my first article on "How To Make Passive Income At Home: Ways To Make Money" on Hubpages. I am not sure how it will turn out but I hope it will make a start for me so I can start making a passive income monthly from home. My goal is to make $2,000 monthly from Google Adsense, and make $1,000 with affiliate marketing. My Goals Are:
Write 100 articles on Hubpages (Maybe 300)
Write 50-100 on Infobarrel
Write 100 on Ezine Articles
Write 50 articles on Triond
Buy the crash course of The Keyword Academy
Promote The Keyword Academy to make my personal goal of $1,000 per month from it
I know once I get everything going with article promotion and just submitting good content about making passive income at home I will be on my way to my goals. It will be hard work because making money like that isn't easy. It will take determination and consistency to make it work but I am willing to do it. Stay tuned on how the experiment turns out. I will update my earnings from Google Adsense and how many articles on each website I provided.
P.S. If you came to my blog searching for answers on "how to make passive income at home", I hope you found it. and add me as a friend if you are into social media sites. I hope you take the time and figure out how you can make passive income at home and make it your dedication everyday to increase your monthly income.
Make Your Passive Income By Writing Today
Write 100 articles on Hubpages (Maybe 300)
Write 50-100 on Infobarrel
Write 100 on Ezine Articles
Write 50 articles on Triond
Buy the crash course of The Keyword Academy
Promote The Keyword Academy to make my personal goal of $1,000 per month from it
I know once I get everything going with article promotion and just submitting good content about making passive income at home I will be on my way to my goals. It will be hard work because making money like that isn't easy. It will take determination and consistency to make it work but I am willing to do it. Stay tuned on how the experiment turns out. I will update my earnings from Google Adsense and how many articles on each website I provided.
P.S. If you came to my blog searching for answers on "how to make passive income at home", I hope you found it. and add me as a friend if you are into social media sites. I hope you take the time and figure out how you can make passive income at home and make it your dedication everyday to increase your monthly income.
Make Your Passive Income By Writing Today
Saturday, June 5, 2010
What Is Hubpages And How To Make Money On It: A Review of Hubpages
Hubpages is becoming very popular these days and everyone wants a piece of the pie since you can make money now and make money online. The reason why is because you can make money with Google Adsense, Amazon
, Kontera, and Ebay. You can get started with these top affiliate programs by writing articles for Hubpages . Writing for Hubpages can make everyone money but you have to know what you are doing with writing and getting traffic to your hubs. There is a guide that can help you so you can start making money with Hubpages and affiliate programs such as Google Adsense, Amazon, Kontera, and Ebay: Make Your Passive Income Writing and Learn The Basics Today!!
Hubpages Review By Thranax
How To Get Through 1st Week of Hubpages by Liljen23(Me)
Hubpages & Questions From A New Hubber by LadyJane1
Make Money?: Writing, Hubpages and Money by Rebecca E.
Make Money: Hubpages & Google Adsense by Rebecca E.
Promote Your Site, Blog, Hubpages and Lens by Jstankevicz
Bonus From An Advanced Member on Hubpages: Drive Traffic To Your Hub With Participation by Patty Inglish
The thing with Hubpages is that becoming a member is one thing but you should also always remain learning everything about Hubpages like getting involved with Hubpages Forums , HubHopping , Join the 30-Day-Hub-Challenge , and more..
Once you become a Hubpages member you will love everything about Hubpages. So Join Hubpages Today!! It's Free!!
Recommended Products To Purchase To Get Started On Making Money Writing and Getting Traffic To Hubpages!!
Traffic From Hubpages - Learn Insider Secrets Of Bringing Flood Of Traffic To Your Website Using Hubpages! (MRR)
Newbie Traffic Secrets - A Step By Step Guide To Getting Internet Traffic!
How To Get Free Website Traffic and Increase Page Rank - (Step By Step Video Tutorial)
P.S. If you came to my blog searching for answers on "how to make passive income at home", I hope you found it. and add me as a friend if you are into social media sites. I hope you take the time and figure out how you can make passive income at home and make it your dedication everyday to increase your monthly income.
Make Your Passive Income By Writing Today
Hubpages Review By Thranax
How To Get Through 1st Week of Hubpages by Liljen23(Me)
Hubpages & Questions From A New Hubber by LadyJane1
Make Money?: Writing, Hubpages and Money by Rebecca E.
Make Money: Hubpages & Google Adsense by Rebecca E.
Promote Your Site, Blog, Hubpages and Lens by Jstankevicz
Bonus From An Advanced Member on Hubpages: Drive Traffic To Your Hub With Participation by Patty Inglish
The thing with Hubpages is that becoming a member is one thing but you should also always remain learning everything about Hubpages like getting involved with Hubpages Forums , HubHopping , Join the 30-Day-Hub-Challenge , and more..
Once you become a Hubpages member you will love everything about Hubpages. So Join Hubpages Today!! It's Free!!
Recommended Products To Purchase To Get Started On Making Money Writing and Getting Traffic To Hubpages!!
Traffic From Hubpages - Learn Insider Secrets Of Bringing Flood Of Traffic To Your Website Using Hubpages! (MRR)
Newbie Traffic Secrets - A Step By Step Guide To Getting Internet Traffic!
How To Get Free Website Traffic and Increase Page Rank - (Step By Step Video Tutorial)
P.S. If you came to my blog searching for answers on "how to make passive income at home", I hope you found it. and add me as a friend if you are into social media sites. I hope you take the time and figure out how you can make passive income at home and make it your dedication everyday to increase your monthly income.
Make Your Passive Income By Writing Today
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